RE: Howzit..........

Jason Mayfield (
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 15:15:27 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, MPasquale wrote:

> Gee, that wasn't subtle at all was it???

Sorry, I was off. (no worries, I'm not apologizing ;) The LOL was meant
to indicate that I was joking. No way that I can take a trip that quickly
either. I want to let this one sink in and influence me. :)

> Sorry, guys, but I am out of vaction. Nothin' I can do about it.
> Amazing as it seems, I actually really like my job and would like to
> keep it : ) (no comments please, Jason) The way I see it is that I
> have to work -- especially if I keep getting influenced by all of you.
> So, I might as well enjoy it. This means that I must be somewhat
> responsible as well. Pisser.

No, I totally agree with you, and admire that you really like your job.
Heh, when are they going to call me for an've got me
pretty psyched about the environment there. ;-)

> Don't ya wish you were a kid again and you could just play all day and
> not worry about a damn thing. Either that or become a famous rock'n
> roll star. Hmmm.......

That would be FANTASTIC. I really think people like us should be allowed
to win the lottery, because the MONEY wouldn't change us, it would give us
the tools we need to live life to its fullest.

> Gotta go and actually do work....and going crazy today without a window
> in my office or in the lab to see the beautiful sunshine.

I've been here since 6, so I'm heading out myself. Miss you guys, and
hopefully catch you next week. I'm going to go out and run in this
fantastic weather!
