RE: Howzit..........

MPasquale (
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 14:47:53 -0500

> Now come know you want to see Patrick O'Popmart. >:) Just
> wait,
> when Mat reads his mail he'll jump on board. LOL...
Gee, that wasn't subtle at all was it???

Sorry, guys, but I am out of vaction. Nothin' I can do about it.
Amazing as it seems, I actually really like my job and would like to
keep it : ) (no comments please, Jason) The way I see it is that I
have to work -- especially if I keep getting influenced by all of you.
So, I might as well enjoy it. This means that I must be somewhat
responsible as well. Pisser.

Don't ya wish you were a kid again and you could just play all day and
not worry about a damn thing. Either that or become a famous rock'n
roll star. Hmmm.......

Gotta go and actually do work....and going crazy today without a window
in my office or in the lab to see the beautiful sunshine.

Wanting to go blind,
