Faraway, So Close

Aja (aja@intergate.bc.ca)
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 22:03:48 -0800

Hello everyone,
This is quite a difficult letter to write. Yesterday I found out I would
be unable to attend the Johannesburg concert for a number of reasons. Today
it was confirmed. I just wanted to write and let you know as soon as I
could. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making this dream of
mine workable. This disappointment gives a new meaning to the phrase
Faraway, So Close. Would you allow Nicky from Australia to take my place? I
will be with you in spirit, dreaming with tears in my eyes. I am happy to
have met everybody through the WIRE and to have had you welcome me with
open arms. May Johannesburg rock your lemon! I WILL see you all next tour!
Thanks again! Love, Aja