Re: Howzit..........

Jason Mayfield (
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 11:54:35 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Patrick Meagher wrote:

> Pretoria was beautiful-- zillions of trees!! I hired an extremely
> helpful guide the first day and he took me around.. lots to see, much
> more of an Afrikaner zone... definately should be on the itinerary for
> the reunion...

Consider it done. :) I still crack up when I think about someone (who
was it anyways?) mentioning we should do this next year. And everyone
saying "of course!"

> take care, if anyone needs anything Irish let me know...

Just reports from your trip, that's all I need. :)

Mat - I'll add Dublin to the list. SOmeone's going to kill me, but I
can't help it: Cough, Cough, Memorial Day, cough, cough... ;-)

Jason, smiling, the tears are gone, the memories live on.