
Patrick Meagher (
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 08:08:34 -0800 (PST)

Hey mates,

Sittin' in Dublin... I got in yesturday and contrasted with the
desolate, polarized (but extremely interesting) climate of
Johannesberg, Dublin resembles Eden... I love it here! I am getting a
little bored of traveling around alone though (ie I miss y'all)..
found some very thurough bootleg selections at local music stores...
just wish their videos were in my home format..

Pretoria was beautiful-- zillions of trees!! I hired an extremely
helpful guide the first day and he took me around.. lots to see, much
more of an Afrikaner zone... definately should be on the itinerary for
the reunion...

Interesting anecdonte for those of you who attended the farewell lunch
at the Hyatt on Monday: that evening I was relaxing Guest House style
watching a local Soccer program on the Tele and the host said that
they were going to have a special guest on from the rock'n'roll field
a little later so I stayed tuned-in thinking perhaps Larry had stayed
a few days extra.. It turned out not to be Lawrence at all but it was
our man Jim Kerr.. he was very knowledgeable and seem even to know
more about the English Soccer League than the hosts-- his team is the
Celtic squad from scottland...

take care, if anyone needs anything Irish let me know...



I apologize to all for the yahooian propaganda below...

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