Web findings

Jason Mayfield (ironman@saltmine.radix.net)
Tue, 3 Mar 1998 08:33:37 -0500 (EST)

Just more web findings to share. This was written by a Brit who's been
working for a few months in Jo'Burg. (FYI, Rosebank is the neighbourhood
with the Hyatt)

"Went to Rosebank in afternoon, which is close to being the sort of area I
could almost imagine living in, if I had to live here.
It isnt a no-mans land of designer fortresses like Morningside.
There are white people out of doors and out of cars. There are
shops and bars and on the roof of the inevitable Rosebank Mall (where you
can get a Hugo Boss suit for just twice an honest
cops monthly take-home pay) is a great sprawling open air
market that sells everything any kind of market should, from
exotic imported Italian cheeses to electrical equipment, books, CDs, rave
clothing, jewelry, African art, back issues of Wired,
dreadful Sunday paintings of naked women you hope dont
really look like that, a billion kinds of biltong, endless
touristy stuff to get crushed in your luggage on the way back to
Leeds.... and so on, and so on.