Day 10: Buenos Aires

Jason Mayfield (
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 07:47:10 -0500 (EST)

"I haven't been to bed in a week, I'll be dead soon...but still won't
sleep." Last Night On Earth, Buenos Aires, 05/02/98

There's something a little magical about the spectacle of PopMart. Even
after 23 shows, each one holds something a little surprising and
different. Like a couple dozen grandmothers dancing on the stage. It was
a magical moment, U2, in Argentina, singing Mothers of the Disappeared,
with the Mothers all on stage. History come to life.

Nothing else terribly out of the ordinary for this show. I watched if
from the upper stands, a very different perspective. What's PopMart like
when you're not up close and intimate with it. It's sort of like a big
dance club...the music's still there, the lights are still there, but it's
not a one-on-one show like it is up front. I think it was something good
to see and experience.

This city is amazing though. Thanks to a suggestion from a friend via the
internet, I headed over to Evita's masoleum earlier in the day. I've seen
Lenin in Red Square, and this had the same surreal quality.
Just...different. The other great thing here is the nightlife. Going out
at 10 or 11 is, well, early. The best clubs don't OPEN until after
midnight. I think we got back in this morning at about 8, and we came
straight from the club.

Another day, another adventure.

Jason, in Buenos Aires