Day 9: Buenos Aires.

Jason Mayfield (
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 08:35:01 -0500 (EST)

"Night hangs like a prisoner, Stretched over black and blue
Hear their heartbeat... we hear their heartbeat" - Mothers of the

The last 24 hours have been simply amazing. Not only getting a room in
the band hotel....but on the very floor with a good part of the band.
Have to love being a frequent Hyatt guess. God bless business trips.

Shortly after arriving, I went to the lounge to get a drink before heading
out to see the city. Who's sitting just across from me but Larry himself!
Just had to say hi to him quickly, and was ask if I was "fooking nuts
coomin all the way from america just to see a rock and roll band." Heh,
maybe I am....wait til he sees me in Jo'Burg and/or Santiago. ;-)

This is really an amazing city though...I really don't know where to
compare it too. In a way, it sort of reminds me of Brussels with a latin
flair, but that's not doing it justice at all. Checked out the
stadium....that place is huge. I can't get over the sheer number of
people here. First Sao Paulo, now Buenos Aires. Feels more congested
than New York, but more orderly.

The REAL highlight was this morning though....waiting for the elevator to
go down and get some breakfast.....Bono and Jerry walk right over and
start waiting too!!! "Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?" I told him
about Vancouver, the tag in Sao Paulo, and he cracked a smile. Ok, I can
die happy now, Bono recognizes me. ;-)

Asked him if he reads Wire, and he said that people in the crew tell them
about it from time to time. I told him it's probably better that way,
because everyone seems to be fighting over the amount of noise and shash
on the last. A DIRECT QUOTE, SO LISTEN UP: "That's a rather silly thing
to fight about." Wished him good luck tonight, and split as I got off on
a different floor. This place is magical. It's like a fairy tale that
just doesn't end.....not yet anyways.

Jason, in Buenos Aires, not coming down.