courier flights

Elena Espinoza (
Mon, 22 Dec 1997 12:59:42 -0600 (CST)

On Mon, 22 Dec 1997, Henry Wagner wrote:

> Ok, this sounds great, but could someone please explain what a courier
> flight is exactly? What airlines do you fly on? The term courier flight
> seems to imply that you will be bringing something down to South
> or back from South America.

i've inquired about courier filghts as well and have been told
that they are last minute deals. you don't know if you're
flying out to that country until the week before or days before
you actually do fly out. that could be stressful. also, you
come back when they want you to come back, not when you choose
to come back. i agree, courier flights are a great way to travel
if you don't have an agenda or a rigid schedule (have to get back
for work or school) to follow. this is the info i know; i thought
i'd pass it on. of course, we can go check out
""'s web page for more info....

i'm still waiting for the AMAZONAS people to get back to me about
GROUP RATES. you'd think.....

i've added frederico to the list.

...and if I don't see y'all again...the world turns...
and we get dizzy...we're just slipping away...
"Last Night On Earth" live in Chicago
Soldier Field, June 29, 1997