Re: listserv for south america

Elena Espinoza (
Thu, 18 Dec 1997 18:06:09 -0600 (CST)

k, here's the deal, please. i'm keeping everyone "cc"-ed
on this 'cuz our list is concentrating all our efforts into
ARGENTINA while this listserv is for SOUTH AMERICA in general.

ALE_ is being a very helpful wireling at this point and
cluing me in on buenos aires. here's what i've been told
so far:

the stadium is in the city, NUNEZ. the airport,
EZEIZA, is the one which we'll want to fly into, and it is
FIFTEEN MINUTES from the stadium. there are a lot of HOTELS
near the airport which are about THIRTY MINUTES from the

he's also given me information on TICKETMASTER and ticket
prices which range from US$25 to US$150. here's a list
of ticket prices. i'm not sure what the areas in the
stadium are, but i Think
Palco = balcony
Platea baja preferencial = lower stands
Platea baja comun = lower stands but further up
Platea alta preferencial = second level stands
Platea alta comun = second level stands further up
Campo = i believe this means FLOOR LEVEL...these are
the cheapest "seats" but everyone wants them
'cuz people line up hours before the show (like
in europe) and then rush the stage. woohooo!!
if you went to europe, though, don't expect the
same kind of behavior....lata and i were warned
earlier on by another argentina native that people
get kinda....competitive when they rush the stage,
so, woooohoooo!!!!
Popular Alta = i think these are the nosebleeds

Palco 150 u$s
Platea baja preferencial 150 u$s
Platea baja comun 100 u$s
Platea alta preferencial 60 u$s
Platea alta comun 50 u$s
Campo 50 u$s
Popular Alta 25 u$s

also, the OFFICIAL dates for argentina, as i wrote earlier,
for BUENOS AIRES. that's what was on the list of dates
that was passed out to the crew in houston.

k, tomorrow i'm going to TRY to reach TICKETMASTER for
more info on tickets (if they're still on sale or what
the deal is for the third show), but i'm not promising
anything 'cuz i'll be phoning ILLEGALY from school. if
you want to phone 'em yourself, please do so. once
again, the number for TICKETMASTER in ARGENTINA is

054 Argentina
01 Buenos Aires
321.9700 ticketmaster
monday thru saturday 9am to 8pm,
er, argentina time

whew, okay, i hope SOMEBODY read this

...and if I don't see y'all again...the world turns...
and we get dizzy...we're just slipping away...
"Last Night On Earth" live in Chicago
Soldier Field, June 29, 1997