The lone tourist...

Patrick Meagher (
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 08:23:32 -0800 (PST)

Hey crew,,

If you can believe it, I'm getting tired of touring around the world
at this point... I guess that's not a very harsh problem to have but
hey, it's raining in Dublin and also in my heart (sickening, I'll
stop)... I took a stroll by the Point Depot Theatre today and spent
three hours trying to locate Windmill Lane studios but only got some
sore feet,, I'll try again later, does anyone know specific
directions, people here don't really get to the point??? I don't
think anyone here has figured out the wacky streets of Dublin either,
yet they dispense cruelly false directions without guilt.. charming
but frustrating..

You all had me going about the Memorial Day visitation, I don't put
anything past this group!! I don't think I'd have time away from my
classes in Donegal anyway but y'all can come out to the boonies with
me and learn Gaelic... Slan ga foil!

Gotta go, paying for internet time is tough on the soul...keep talkin'
to me...

Miss you much,


I apologize to all for the yahooian propaganda below...

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