Re: root beer, please ;-)

Jason Mayfield (
Thu, 12 Mar 1998 10:29:28 -0500 (EST)

Damn your infernal hide Karen! ;-) I got one question for you:

Why do they call them thin mints, when they do everything EXCEPT make you
thin? ;-) I've been munching on them all week. ;-)

Tell ya what, we'll Americanize pauvre Christian all the way. You bring
the Girl Scout cookies, I'll bring the root beer, and someone else can
bring a can of spam. ;-)

I definitely have a one track mind, and it's going "Jo'Burg, Jo'Burg,
Jo'Burg...." I'm not sure I can wait 6 days at this point! How will I
get ANY work done??? :)
