Cape Town Hotel Details
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 09:51:34 -0500

We are confirmed for a 2 bedroom/2 bath suite for 6 (Christian, Jan, Mary,
Karen I, Chrisine and Karen K) at The President Hotel from 3/15 - 3/20.
And are also confirmed for a single and double room on 3/14 (Karen K, Mary
and Jan). We are confirmed for 4 golden circle concert tickets (Christine
and Karen I. already have theirs).

I will be faxing flight itineraries to my friend this afternoon for him to
arrange airport/hotel transfers. If you haven't given me your info yet
(including flight # and arrival date and time), please do so ASAP. I will
send a note to the mailing list with all of the flight and accomodation
details I have so far so you can verify it is correct.

The President Hotel in Cape Town is near the Waterfront (you could walk to
it if desired). It is in Sea Point which I remember as a somewhat trendy
area of town. It is 10 minutes from central Cape Town (not that we'll
spend much if any time there) and is close to Green Point stadium where the
show is. Colleen is going to arrange shuttle transportation between the
hotel and the stadium. The address and phone number of the hotel are:

The President Hotel
Alexander Rd.
Bantry Bay 8001
+27 21 434-811

Colleen's number is + 27 21 221-800 (if dialing from the US, you must
dial 011 first) if you need to make additional accomodations or ticket
