south american dates for popmart 4th leg

Elena Espinoza (
Sat, 27 Dec 1997 13:25:47 -0600 (CST)

this is what i have.......

27th Rio de Janeiro
30th Sao Paolo
31st Sao Paolo

5th Buenos Aires
6th Buenos Aires
7th Buenos Aires

if you live in either of these countries, can you please let
me know what i'm missing? any added dates? please. thanks.

also, HENRY WAGNER or DARCI CHAPMAN will soon post
information on how to join a south american listserv
that was set up for information on concert tickets, etc.

...and if I don't see y'all again...the world turns...
and we get dizzy...we're just slipping away...
"Last Night On Earth" live in Chicago
Soldier Field, June 29, 1997